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"Reply to confused, youre not even close"

A review of Norwich Labour Party by Johnny botwright written on Saturday 3rd of May 2008


Firstly my article is it a crime, j.p.botwright,

was not a rant, just a story about the abuse of power.

to you it appears it is a crime, for some one to stand for their personal freedom, would you have every such person detained, or put agaisnt a wall.

Some times you have to make a stand, the world over people are standing up, to make thier voice heard, and in many cases, its a just cause.

you make sweeping coments that are niether true or accurate.

My story had nothing to do with the labour party, who now with thier backs on the ropes, cornered, the labour partys true credentials will be come evident,

any one can strike up the band, when every things going well, the true test, will the labour party, now be able to rise up, and stand, and turn things around, agaisnt the odds, Gorden brown will they sell him out, or rallie to him, and stand united, as he is the labour partys biggest accett, david millerband, another good leader, waiting in the wings, will labour now show true grit and stand firm, or be over thrown.

i was tolled by inspector bunton diss police, he would fix me, i was dealing with the wrong people, by all accounts clive needle the then labour mp, for norfolk, was the one who sanctioned my detention, i was arrested, held for over five hours, in a cell, at diss police station, denied a phone call, or a solicitor of my choice, was even tolled a duty solicitor was not avalable, bunton, diss police knew they could not spring thier trap, if a solicitor was present, so i disapeared in to solidary confinment, for some time, until i escaped.

how to make someone disapear in broad day light. this is the united kingdom, not cuba.

as for being framed, take the story of the hurrican, the world boxer, who was set up by an inspector to, who only changed one piece of evidence, and provided one false wittness, cost the hurrican, the world title, as well as 20 years of his life, for a crime he never comitted.

In my case the independent police commision used the word framed, and backed down diss police, i was interviewed to by two detectives from scotland yard, who were not investigatng myself, but diss police, five officiers were moved out of diss, inspector bunton took retirement, some times things are not what they seem, how can a nobodie like myself over turn such people, in power and postion, they had all the balls in their court, i was not even allowed one phone call, some times, with help from above, the flea can take the dog down, check mate, egg on their faces, again was never about court or legal action,

just to clear my name, not suing anyone, i was tolled i had a very good case of charactor assassination, rollings solicitors diss, they would have been gld to represent me, just to clear my name, would cost £21.000 was not an option. this did not stop me making a stand, if people can destroy your good name, they can destroy your life. j.p.botwright


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