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"Great service"

A review of Colin's Car Care by David Moar written on Sunday 9th of July 2023


A job done quickly and professionally. Thank you for your help..

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    I have used these guys on a number or occasions now for various mishaps,always an excellent job at a...
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  • Best Value Ever by Brenda Macilveroy
    Had a nasty scratch on my car repaired by Colins Car Care. When it was done my car also had a free v...
  • Free.valet by Mrs H
    I had my car repaired for a dent in the door at a lot less than main dealer and got my car back like...
  • Best deal ever by Littlegb
    Collins car care.lovely people to deal with i had a small bump and got my car repaired at a very rea...

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Colin's Car Care

Map showing Colin's Car Care on Gilchrist Close