A review of UPS by Vivienne Rainsbury written on Tuesday 19th of April 2022
Tracking Number 1Z3J7D4T6803588229
A parcel destined for Canada has been returned marked "Service Disruption Occurred". No other explanation as to why it was not delivered (a service for which I had paid handsomely) has been offered.
Further issue - the parcel was not returned to my current address, which was clearly shown on the shipping label and from where the parcel was collected, but to my previous address (a house which is now unoccupied). I got it back only because a neighbour spotted the UPS van and took in the parcel. Can nobody read?
Having spent almost 45 minutes today speaking to an Asian woman who was barely understandable, and who kept putting me on hold whilst she "investigated", I am still no closer to understanding what the issue was.
And it seems I am now expected to reschedule another delivery and pay again for a service which I have already paid for and which you did not fulfil..
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Map showing UPS on Hurricane Way