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A review of Norwich Jobcentre Plus by Daniela written on Monday 19th of January 2015


I've been trying to contact the jobcentre by the phone numbers given. The 0345 number put me through to the wrong place and then I was given an 01603 number. WHY DO YOU HANGUP IMMEDIATELY, I try and try but I get the same result !!! My husband has an appointment but needs to cancel due to illness but how am I supposed to do it ?? If he was receiving any benefit money, you would stop it straight away. Luckily you haven't given him any benefit for around a year, so there is nothing to stop !!! I won't put what he said but I'm sure a few of you at the jobcentre can guess, as he has had many a run in with you in the past. The amount of times he has complained to you is a joke, as all you do is apologise and treat him like he doesn't exist. One thing he has always said is, he doesn't understand why there are so many people employed there, as 50% of you do bugger all, except yap to each other !! Well I tried to contact you, so be prepared for the results when my husband receives that letter from you telling him his non existing money is being sanctioned. Those of you that have met him before will realise he has mental health problems and that your security staff does not phase him. GOOD LUCK !!!.

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