A review of The Lucky Star by Lin wymer written on Monday 17th of December 2007
This resturant is clean, friendly and has a nice ambience during buffet times.
The staff are friendly and eager to please and the food is really very good for the resonable price of 5.99 for all you can eat.
The buffet is always well stocked and replenished quickly once stock runs out, its very difficult to fault. Unfortunately their is a very major fault with this place and that is that the staff snatch away your plate/s before you have barely had a chance to chew the last mouthful, its nice to see that they are efficient but this boils down to downright bad manners. I have had staff lean over me to take a plate and whilst a few will ask "have you finished ?" the large majority don`t. Its a shame because after this happened on 3 visits (so not a once off mishap) Its spoilt the experience enough for me to not want to return..
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