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A review of Woodcock Carpets by MARGARET WICKS written on Monday 20th of August 2012


Having used woodcock carpets at three different addresses in twenty years i never had one problem or complaint with them.however in january this year we had some vinyl laid in the kitchen,after a few months we noticed a discolouration in the most theavy used areas.I phoned Woodcock carpets and a few days later the rep came round. he was as puzzled as us.a week later he phoned to say that they would lay us new vinyl at a small fee. we accepted and a week later it was laid.No arguments no hassle a very straightforward deal.hows that for service and i will keep on recommending this to all and everyone as i have done in the past.WELL DONE WOODCOCK AND WENSUM CARPETS THANKYOU. .

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Woodcock Carpets

Map showing Woodcock Carpets on Woodcock Road
