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"Jubilee Kindness"

A review of Norwich Frame Workshop by Roy Scott written on Sunday 3rd of June 2012


Saturday 2ndth June 2012, the start of the Jubilee Weekend, was a beautiful sunny day, as I happily walked, with my wife through the Norwich Lanes. She was on her way to meet with her two sisters and two nieces for a Jubilee lunch which we hoped would mark the start of a happier period in their lives, after a difficult time for her and her sisters in recent years.

I was unable to save my wife as suddenly she fell face down in the road, having tripped on a raised paving block, probably churned up by the heavy delivery lorries which use the area. She was shocked and shaken but thankfully no blood and nothing broken. Nothing broken, except the small framed, cross stitch picture of the Queen’s Coronation, which she worked, at the age of fourteen, in 1953.

I left her at Jarrold’s and felt quite sad as I carefully walked back, carrying a bag full of broken glass and picture frame. To my surprise on the corner, at No 1 St Benedict’s Street, in what used to be Florrie Cooper’s Hat Shop, was The Norwich Frame Workshop. When I related my story, the proprietor, Lee Smith stopped what he was doing to carry out an immediate repair.

The family were amazed when I took the repaired picture to the restaurant, where they were having lunch. My wife was delighted and I cannot thank Lee enough for his kindness and putting a smile back on our faces.

Grandad Norwich


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Norwich Frame Workshop

Map showing Norwich Frame Workshop on St Benedicts Street