A review of Umbertos by Sarah moore written on Wednesday 5th of December 2007
Cucina confidential
In the first of a new series of features designed to give you an insight into the best of Italian culture, Umbertos Trattoria Italia has seventh place in the guide to the top ten Italian restaurants in the UK.
I quote “I like to think this was named after Umberto Eco, the Italian author and intellectual, but in fact it is named after the proprietor-chef, a gnarled, uningratiating individual, very popular with regulars, not at all popular with people who like their restaurateurs to caper the place about nice to everyone. The service has a kind of affectionate belligerence: It’s the kind of place where you wouldn’t be surprised to be given a veal steak with mozzarella melted onto it, an egg cracked on top of that, and a cocktail umbrella coming out of the middle, served by a grouchy waiter saying ‘What? I thought you said it was your birthday? This is what we always do for April birthdays.’ In stark reversal of the British tradition, the grumpiness totally disappears when there are children around, who always really enjoy it. The menu is about the length of The Name of the Rose, but choose what you want, rather than what sounds crazy, and you’ll eat very well".
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