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"Thanks to the men that said YES"

A review of Delmonte Garage by Nic Nic written on Friday 15th of July 2011


After breaking down recently and not know what to do only to call my husband and ask him, then being told to call Delmonte Which I promptly did the and they arrived within 25 mins they diagnosed the problem as a faulty "starter motor" whatever that is, the technicain asked if I had a garage who could undertake the repair I did't, so after a quick call back to Delmonte Who said YES we can assist I was recovered back to their garage where I was escorted to the reception, given a drink and shown the waiting room and informed a techinian would look at my car and give me an estimate on the cost and time needed to repair my car and within 15 mins the estimate was given which I accepted and was back on the road within 1 Hour from saying yes .

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Delmonte Garage

Map showing Delmonte Garage on Concorde Road
