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A review of Claire's by R.Long written on Saturday 30th of April 2011


I was in Norwich on friday 29th during my visit my 3 year old daughter managed to loose her favorite ring when we found it in fones 4 u somebody had trodern on it and broken it, so i promised to buy her a new one thinking thats ok claires is downstairs i bought her an ice cream and left her out the front of the shop with her dad while i found her a new ring, all the small rings are placed by the floor in the far righthand side of the shop, i managed to get my buggy with my baby in close enough to have a look and inside of 30 seconds i have a staff member stood over me asking if i'm ok and what i'm doing!! assuming that i'm trying to steal something,i explained the situation and that i was trying to find extra small rings for a 3 year old, the staff member decided she was just going to stand and watch me like a was something she had scraped off her shoe!! So inform your staff as i have managed a shop in chapplefield my self that customer service is 90% of the reason why you visit a shop and return,the staff need some serious training in manners and i shall be sending a formal complaint to head office.I will NEVER bring my 2 young daughters into this shop..

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Map showing Claire's on Castle Mall